Linkdump No 1

Apr 20, 2024


I constantly collect links and dump them into my bookmarking system, so I thought I’d share some of the more interesting ones I came across in the last couple of weeks.

  • Debugging Python code from the command line via Python debugger ‘pdb’.
    I recently needed to debug some Python code and had no idea how (I rarely write anything in Python), but a short search away I found this question on StackOverflow, and the first answer provided everything I needed to know.

  • Send RSS/Atom feeds to Mastodon
    A pretty simple Python script that can consume an RSS feed and post new feed items to Mastodon. Simple, easy to understand and debug, and does exactly what I need. I’m using it now to automatically post links to new blog posts on this site on my Mastodon profile.

  • Google search is becoming worse
    Google is sending more and more traffic towards places like Reddit and Quora, and honestly I’m not sure if that’s a loss or a win for the small web and people with personal homepages…

  • Ever wanted to install Windows 2000 on an old Core2Duo Macbook?
    The Windows 2000 installation disk doesn’t boot on these types of Macbooks, but by exchanging a file on the disc with the equivalent from a Windows XP installation disk, you can make it work. If you want to is an entirely different question of course.

  • A CLI note taking and bookmarking system. I’ve been using this for the past few weeks to store bookmarks, and I really like the simplicity of it. You just call nb <URL> and it stores the site as a bookmark and downloads a (text only) snapshot of it too, if possible.